Sentimental Journey

Have you had times when you blamed your troubles on your upbringing?

Do people say that you are just like your parent?

If you understand the motivations of your parents, teachers or caregivers, it may be easier to accept the way they went about raising or teaching you. It may help dissolve that lingering resentment or those recurring irritations.

We cannot change the past, but we can change how we feel about it.

This book is designed to help you find the inborn personality type of those people who raised you and in the process learn a little more about them.


Cover design by Lianna Gonlag.

Cover art by Pauline Hill

ISBN: 978-0-9922537-3-8 (epub)

and 978-0-9922537-4-5 (kindle)

In print this book is available as one chapter in the book Playing with Natural Talents.


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Published by N Titi Publishing

This book is part of The Music of Life

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